Christian Education


There are many benefits to being active in our church’s Christian Education programs. The fellowship with others in your church family, the sense of support through life’s ups and downs, the positive atmosphere and reinforcement of God’s love, as well as the learning that takes place are all a part of what makes Sunday School and other CE classes such an important part of our lives. I hope you will give it a try.
Sunday School classes are provided for all age and interest groups at Central.  Classes begin at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday.  A nursery is provided.  If you are looking for a Sunday School class, below is a listing or you may call the church office to discuss the possibilities (968-1238 Ex. 103 ).  Any of these classes would welcome you with open arms.

Standing on God’s Promises
Sunday School is a great way to build a
strong foundation for faithful living. Listed
below are the classes now being offered.

Adult Classes


Hopkins Class - meets in room 210. This group of senior adults uses the Present Word curriculum as they study the Bible together. This lecture/discussion based class welcomes anyone who is looking for a traditional approach to study of the Bible.
Neil Bell Class - meets in room 122. This multi-generation group uses the Bible Quest curriculum which confronts everyday issues and what the Bible has to say about how we live out our faith in today’s world.
Fellowship Class - meets in room 208. This group of 30's & 40+ singles and couples uses a variety of books, study papers, and short term studies as they explore what it means to be a Christian in the Reformed tradition.
Shelter Class - meets in room 212. This class for adults in their 20's & 30+ is currently studying the book of Hebrews. In addition to their weekly Sunday morning study, this group like to engage in service projects.
Bible Boomers - meets in room 213. NEWLY Formed class designed for those “Baby Boomers”. This class will study a variety of topics related to faith and family.
College & Careers - meets in room 214 each Sunday night with the United Campus Ministry program. Resources for study come from the We Believe - “Real Faith, Real Life” series for young adults.

Children and Youth Classes


Early Christian Awareness - meets in the nursery, room 100. This is a class for children through 2 years of age which uses the Toddlers & Twos Curriculum from Bible Quest to teach that God loves and cares for them.
Preschool Class - meets in room 101. This class is for 3, 4, and 5 year old children who have not started kindergarten. The curriculum used in this class is from Gospel Light and has many hands on activities to reinforce the Bible lesson.
Rotation Sunday School - meets on the second floor. In classes for children K-2nd grades (Explorers) and 3- 5th grades (Researchers) this exciting program uses activity centers to tell the Bible story.  Each week, the children experience the lesson in one of the four centers, rotating each week to a new center: Bible Stories and Games, a Video Center, Arts & Crafts, or a Computer Lab. Your kids will LOVE this program!
Youth - Room 200.  Students in grades 6 and above have just begun the new Presbyterian, USA curriculum “We Believe”. Looking at what the Bible stories have to say in regard to the current world is a major part of the class focus.

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See you Sunday!


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