Hopkins Class
- meets in room 210. This group of senior adults uses the
Present Word curriculum as they study the Bible together.
This lecture/discussion based class welcomes anyone who is
looking for a traditional approach to study of the Bible.
Neil Bell Class
- meets in room 122. This multi-generation group uses the
Bible Quest curriculum which confronts everyday issues and
what the Bible has to say about how we live out our faith in
today’s world.
Fellowship Class
- meets in room 208. This group of 30's & 40+ singles and
couples uses a variety of books, study papers, and short
term studies as they explore what it means to be a Christian
in the Reformed tradition. |
Shelter Class
- meets in room 212. This class for adults in their 20's &
30+ is currently studying the book of Hebrews. In addition
to their weekly Sunday morning study, this group like to
engage in service projects. |
Bible Boomers
- meets in room 213. NEWLY Formed class designed for those
“Baby Boomers”. This class will study a variety of topics
related to faith and family. |
College & Careers
- meets in room 214 each Sunday night with the United Campus
Ministry program. Resources for study come from the We
Believe - “Real Faith, Real Life” series for young adults.