Trustees |
Members: |
Class of 2009 |
Alon Athey |
Class of 2010 |
Rexann Oller |
Class of 2011 |
John Rankin |
Session |
Session: |
Moderator |
Dave Schneider |
Clerk of
Session |
Jane Martin |
Treasurer |
Amy Aikman |
Librarian |
Connie Zimmer |
Members: |
Class of 2009 |
Jimmie Coker - Evangelism |
Class of 2009 |
Jerry Ratzlaff -
Stewardship & Personnel |
Class of 2009 |
Cathy Baker |
Class of 2009 |
Phillip Lea |
Class of 2009 |
Chase Wetzel |
Class of 2010 |
Susan Jordan - Youth
Moderator |
Class of 2010 |
Donna Przybys - Worship
Moderator |
Class of 2010 |
Connie Zimmer -
Communications Moderator |
Class of 2010 |
Chuck Olson - Education
Moderator |
Class of 2011 |
John Coleman |
Class of 2011 |
Allison Ryder |
Class of 2011 |
George Reid |
Class of 2011 |
Janice Coulter |
Deacons |
Members: |
Class of 2009 |
Trey Smith |
Class of 2009 |
Adrienne Shelton -
Secretary |
Class of 2009 |
Cheryl Coffman -
Moderator of Deacons |
Class of 2009 |
Todd Wetzel - Property
Moderator |
Class of 2009 |
Paige Griffin |
Class of 2010 |
Dick Goodman |
Class of 2010 |
Beth Monroe - Vice
Moderator |
Class of 2010 |
Joe Morrow |
Class of 2010 |
Carol Wilkins - Service
Moderator |
Class of 2011 |
Susan Allen Walker |
Class of 2011 |
Judi Baker
- Nurture Moderator |
Class of 2011 |
Phillip Rowley |
Class of 2011 |
Doug Martin - Budget &
Finance Moderator |
2009 Committees |
Clerk of Session
Jane Martin |
Budget and Finance Committee |
Responsible for the process by which the budget of the church is
developed in relationship to the Vision and Mission statements of the
church. |
Members: |
Doug Martin - Moderator |
Dick Goodman -
Vice-Moderator |
Trey Smith |
Communications Committee |
The Communication Committee
promotes the church's mission and program opportunities available to CPC
and to the community on a local and extended area level, through our
website, The Central Connection
newsletter, and news articles submitted to local and surrounding area
newspapers. Weekly Sermons published on the website, and printed
out for our congregation's literature rack. Communications also
coordinates and pays for any church listing or advertising information
in newspapers and on radio/TV venues. |
Members: |
Connie Zimmer - Moderator |
Paulette Binkley |
Fuller - Webmaster |
Education |
This committee
organizes and administers the educational program of the congregation
with special attention given to church school and special learning
opportunities such as Vacation Bible School, classes for spiritual
growth, and midweek Bible Studies, church-wide retreats and Confirmation
classes. They recruit and train teachers, evaluate literature and
curriculum, prepare and distribute Advent and Lenten materials.
They provide support to those attending camps and conferences.
Members: |
Allison Ryder - Moderator |
George Reid - Vice
Moderator |
Paula Reid |
Connie Zimmer |
Chuck Olson |
Susan Jordan |
Kathryn Rowley |
Evangelism Committee |
The Evangelism Committee is responsible for members of the
congregation working together to say what the mission of our church
is and ways to invite those not in church to come participate.
Members: |
Jimmie Coker - Moderator |
McAnulty |
Cathy Baker |
Jane Martin |
Coulter |
Committee |
- The Nurture Committee works to
maintain a fellowship where people feel welcome and cared for, to
minister to those in need, to the sick, the friendless and to any who
may be in distress within and beyond the community of faith. We
offer opportunities for congregation members to interact, events such as
hamburger cook outs, after church fellowship hour, monthly potlucks,
Easter and Christmas brunches and Mt. Nebo Youth Worship Service and
church-wide and special receptions. Provides meals to the home
confined through the Meal Mission's weekly ready to eat meal, and to
others in times of personal crisis, other incapacity or bereavement
through our Helping Hands ministry. Our kitchen coordinators
oversee kitchen activity and maintain a supply inventory.
Members: |
Judi Baker - Moderator |
Mary Lea |
Fuller |
Hutchison |
Garrie Kellam |
Carol Wilkins |
Jan Shaw - Kitchen
Coordinator |
Nancy Shaw - Kitchen
Coordinator |
Susan Wetzel |
Linda Griffin |
Paige Griffin |
Doug Martin |
Jane Martin |
Personnel Committee |
Advisory to Session on all
personnel areas. |
Phillip Lea - Moderator |
Toni Bachman |
Janice Coulter |
Ron Knost |
Roy Monroe |
Jerry Ratzlaff |
Property Committee |
This committee
sees to the maintenance, insurance, inventory and scheduling needs of
buildings, grounds, and equipment for the work of staff, all boards and
committees, as well as keeping them available for use by our community's
faith based and non-profit users. They oversee the custodian
services and the Transportation sub-committee areas of vehicles use,
maintenance and repair. Organize and supervise designated
church-wide workdays. |
Members: |
Wetzel - Moderator |
Susan Allen Walker |
Zimmer |
Doug Martin |
Coffman |
Joe Morrow |
Committee |
The Service
Committee involves the congregation as partners in ministries of
compassion to our community's needy, and in services benefiting the well
being of the Russellville community. We provide Christmas baskets
for those in need. We provide an Easer Basket Event for Child
Development Center's Head Start Program, meals, cosmetics, health aids,
supplies and a prayerful presence for the Battered Women's Shelter.
With the cooperation of the protective officers of the Probation
Department we provide food and supplies tote packs for our Kids on the
Street project. We collect Food donations for the Main Street
Mission and Food Bank, donate warm winter wear for school children, make
contributions to community service agencies such as Red Cross, and Cross
and Shield Ministries.
Members: |
Carol Wilkins - Moderator |
Cheryl Coffman |
Barr - Secretary |
Hagemeier |
Cheryl Coleman |
Phillip Rowley |
Glenda Knost |
Beth Monroe |
Judy Murphy |
Paula Reid |
Lynn Wade |
Joy Morrow |
Barbara Fuller |
Mikel Fuller |
Stewardship Committee |
- The Stewardship Committee oversees the
Session's total program of stewardship, stewardship education and
congregational involvement in personal stewardship.
Responsibilities include the planning and implementation of pledge
campaigns, member visitation, updating of the church rolls, revising and
conducting membership talent and skills surveys that match talents with
the Vision and Mission Statement.
Members: |
Jerry Ratzlaff -
Moderator |
Garrie Kellam |
John Cochran |
Committee |
The Worship
Committee works closely with the minister of the church to provide
meaningful services of worship for the congregation. They help recruit,
train, supervise, schedule and coordinate Children's Church, Children's
Sermons, Nursery Assistants, Greeters, Ushers, Worship Assistants and
Acolytes. They help promote with the aid of our dedicated choir
and other gifted musicians, a strong music program; they provide for the
congregational monthly Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, as well as on
other special occasions, including Communion to the home-confined.
They coordinate floral arrangements and other worship related items. |
Members: |
Donna Przybys - Moderator |
Jon Clements - Director
of Music |
Chase Wetzel |
Dan Ryder |
Kelly Coker |
Jackie Gardner |
Vicky Kiehl |
Roy Monroe |
Youth Committee |
The Youth
Committee strengthens ministry to and with Youth so that Youth may grow
in faith and identity with the Presbyterian tradition. Works to
develop and plan youth ministry programs, participates and shares
information with other committees, provides a model of partnership
between youth and adults, empowers youth to participate in all areas of
the church's life, vision and ministry, advocates issues of justice for
young people.
Members: |
Susan Jordan - Moderator |
Eric Marsh - Youth
Director |
Mary Cohoon |
Wetzel - Youth Co-Chair |
Ken Coker |
Kris Griffin |
Paige Griffin - Youth
Co-Chair |
Lisa Cochran |
Haley Perks |
Joe David Turk |
Kurri Gortemiller |
Committees |
Nominating Committee |
Recruits annual slate of church officers and
members to fill vacancies. |
Members: |
Cathy Baker - Moderator |
George Reid |
Barbara Fuller |
Nominating Committee |
Administers all preparation, interviews and
arrangements in the pastor search procedure. |
Members: |
Ken Coker - Moderator |
Doug Martin - Vice
Moderator |
Carol Wilkins - Secretary |
George Reid |
Susan Jordan |
John Aikman |
Wills and
Bequests Committee |
Members: |
Judy Murphy |
John Rankin |
Schlorship Committee |
Members: |
Barbara Fuller -
Moderator |
Sally Ramey |
Toni Bachman |
Presiding Pastor |